A run through of the guided walk with Hilary

It was very good to meet with Hilary today and show her what the project was looking like a week before the exam. When myself and Hilary began the walk she stopped me on the canal and asked me in-depth questions on the information I was providing her. As I stuttered I realised I didn’t know enough information to please participants, or give them a deeper knowledge. As the walk proceeded Hilary stopped me again and said I am explaining the 1800’s but it does not feel realistic. She said you are a performer paint the picture, bring that time to life, use descriptive words and actions to build a picture in participants mind. Me enthusiastic and fun when presenting it, to keep my audience interested. When giving facts about locations be ready to answer participants question on, why? Who? Where and how?

I explained I was trying to think of games for my participants to do to make the experience more entertaining, but Hilary did not think this was relevant, she insisted that I really think about what I want my participants to get out of the walk. We discussed the safety of participants, so when they are guided on the walk, we take them along the pavement and use road crossings.

Things to do:

1. Research buildings around the Canal what they were used for and why
2. Make sure I have names of the people involved with the construction of the canal
3. Do a rehearsed walk so I know the time I have to explain and create my atmosphere
4. I want to as them to map their memories on a map provided about any memories that they retrieve, from the walk. I feel this is important for me the stories people share.
5. Be sure to have a fun clear, confident revised script to let the walk flow in a natural manner. This will insure to keep participants interested
6. Leave participants time to explore and find their own findings.



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